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         William Lang


           Basil Lang


A unique feature of the father and son connection as healers is that the father, George, had the 'control' (spirit guide and healer, acting through George) Dr William Lang, whilst the son (Michael) has the son of Dr William Lang, Dr Basil Lang, acting as a control, and working through him.

The fact of there being a father-son healing team in both worlds, is of course remarkable in itself. Perhaps, given the extraordinary healing results, this double partnership might help explain it. The terms 'Dr' and 'Mr' are used inter-changeably. Both men were eminent medical doctors, but additionally they were also highly skilled surgeons specialising in ophthalmic (eye) surgery.

Unlike so many instances of spirit people working through physical agencies, George and Michael's case is again unusual as the Langs are known historical personages for whom records exist detailing their lives and activities. Moreover, people who knew both Langs have confirmed they have spoken with them through George Chapman. Marie Lyndon Lang, the daughter of Dr Lang, testified to the survival of her father being demonstrated through George Chapman; she also confirmed that through the Chapman partnership, 'I have spoken with my father, often with my brother Basil, my mother and other friends'. Surely no greater confirmation of survival could be made available than this, coming from William Lang's own daughter and Basil's sister.


William Morris

Basil Thorn Lang was born on 3 October, 1880. He became a distinguished surgeon, often working with William, his father, and became known as an exceptional man, being a member of the Moorfields (eye hospital) staff.

Basil liked to be called 'Morris' after his godfather William Morris (1834-1896). Morris was an English craftsman, born in East London: after becoming a designer, his ideas had a considerable impact on house design in England.

After leaving Abbotsholme School in Derbyshire, Basil went on to study at Trinity College, Cambridge where he graduated with a first class honours B.A. in 1902. His medical studies began in earnest at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London and he qualified as M.R.C.S and L.R.C.P(Lond) in 1906.

Following this, he attained an M.A. and a B.Ch degree at Cambridge. Further academic recognition came after working as a house-surgeon and ophthalmic house-surgeon at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, he obtained the F.R.C.S(Eng) diploma in 1910 at the age of thirty. (Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons is a professional qualification, enabling the person to practise as a senior surgeon in the UK.)

During this time he was strengthening his excellent skills while working in the ophthalmic departments at the following esteemed hospitals in London: St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Middlesex Hospital, Moorfields Eye Hospital, the Royal Westminster and Central London Ophthalmic Hospitals.

In addition to gaining a wide variety of experiences and knowledge within a number of top London hospitals, Dr Basil Lang, also voluntarily worked abroad, in order to expand his professional knowledge and skills. As noted by the British Medical Journal: 'no new knowledge or technical improvement in ophthalmology escaped him, and his inventive mind was ever alert for possibilities of further advance'.

Dr Basil Lang's inventiveness and zeal for improved facilities, was demonstrated in the First World War, when holding a commission as a captain. During this time he produced a mobile x-ray plant that would allow such equipment to be moved to where it was required. His dedication to improving medical care was matched by his commitment to alleviating some of the terrible suffering that occurred in those dark years, working in the hospitals at Rouen and Etaples caring for the wounded. At the end of the war, he continued to work to improve technology, and was responsible for important developments in electronics and optical apparatus. His keen interest in photography made it possible for him to use colour photography in his medical practice (he was a pioneer in the use of such photography).

His war service was curtailed, due to a recurrence of ill health suffered in childhood. It is likely that due to his physical impairment, Basil directed his energies into another fascination of his, mechanical engineering. But even in such personal difficulties himself, at this point in his life, he organized a mechanism to be used on the front lines that would remove metal fragments from the eyes of servicemen soon after penetration so as to minimize the damage caused.

After the War ended, Basil became assistant surgeon at the Western Ophthalmic Hospital as well as Chief Assistant Surgeon in a number of ophthalmic departments, as well as Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon to St Andrew's Hospital. His dedication and expertise led to him being appointed as a surgeon at Moorfields eye Hospital, London.

In later years, he sadly developed arthritis in his wrists, a problem that for a surgeon would be a severe impairment: however, he continued his work.

As well as carrying out surgery, Basil conducted his own investigations and research, resulting in a number of important medical publications. Of these, the British Medical Journal comments that they are 'marked by care and accuracy of expression': One that was reviewed in 1925, is said to be 'a clear and trustworthy guide inspired by his father's [Dr William Lang] methodical teaching'.


Norah Lang and George Chapman

After marrying Norah, a daughter, Susan was born. However, tragically, Basil never saw his daughter. On 18th January 1928, at the age of 47, Basil died following pneumonia. The obituary notice in the British Medical Journal said that Basil's 'untimely death' was being announced 'with deep regret'.

The following passage gives a glimpse into the many achievements of Dr [or rather, Mr, the correct address for a surgeon] Basil Lang. Within just a short time-span, Basil had accomplished far more than many 'lesser mortals' added together. 'Mr Basil Lang, M.A., B.Ch, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Royal Ophthalmic Hospital...a very able ophthalmic surgeon and man of great attainment and originality of mind'. After detailing his achievements, it also says that Basil 'took endless trouble for his patients, poor or rich, and would go any distance to serve a friend. Those who knew him best looked upon him as a man of astonishing capacity who, although he achieved a great deal, never quite did full justice to his powers, and sowed much with both hands for others to reap'.

The obituary notice includes a statement by W. T. Holmes Spicer, one of Basil's fellow consultants who knew him not only as a colleague but a friend. Spicer remarked that those who knew Basil at the beginning of his career, realised that 'even at that early time he was obviously no ordinary man, but one intent on pushing inquiry to its furthest limit...always a searcher after the Truth as he saw it'.

Referring to his enthusiasm for new ideas, and the practical pursuit of them, Spicer comments on how Basil's mind 'was so full of ideas' so much so that he did not always have the necessary time to develop them to the full. Spicer also refers to Basil's clarity of speech when teaching students, and his willingness to accept radical and innovative ideas. Speaking of the time when Basil's own health began to deteriorate, Spicer observes that 'his spirit was undaunted, and he was looking forward to new fields of work', and concludes, 'he will be missed'. This epitaph while impressive, gives only a fleeting summary of Basil's many achievements.

Basil Lang received a great deal of correspondence from those who had known him, and had reasons to be grateful. W. H. Fowler, who produced the Concise Oxford Dictionary in 1924, wrote to Dr Lang on behalf of himself and his wife, saying how grieved they were to hear of Basil's passing and how this had cut short such a promising life: they made the salient comment that his boundless energy and enthusiasm for life was surely too great for his physique.

With Basil's passing, the world and hopes of Dr William Lang, his father had collapsed and he retired to Crowborough where he died on 13 July 1937, aged eighty-four and a half.

In view of how Basil is described, perhaps it had to be this type of person who would not only show a willingness and dedication, but skill in continuing to work after his own physical death. One cannot help but gain the impression that at the time of his death, there was so much that was left unfinished, and so many fields of enquiry that were still open to him which he had wanted to explore. It was no doubt this temperament and character that led him to join his own father, to continue working in the field of healing, despite his premature departure from this physical world.

When Michael was born, Dr Lang asked (through the entranced George Chapman) to see the infant. On doing so, he remarked: "I once had a son called Basil. One day Michael will be the medium for my son, and so carry on the healing work".

In the father and son (George and Michael) healing partnership, the parallel partnerships between William Lang, and his son Basil, has been restored. This may account for much of the success that has been achieved over the years.

George writes of how "it came as no surprise to me that Michael also felt drawn to healing the sick, as he grew up. Quite apart from the fact that he had taken a keen interest in my work from an early age, his healing gift was predicted by Dr. Lang". In later years, George commented "We are a partnership, the same as Dr Lang and his son, Basil. Michael has been brought up in the healing practice and studied and trained under Dr Lang, who considers him to be a first class healer in his own right...I am lucky to have Michael who will carry on after my passing".

Michael began to assist the healing work of Dr Lang and his own father at an early age. Recognition as a healer occurred even before he was in his teens. At the age of twelve, patients were remarking on how his laying-on-of-hands produced improvements to their well-being.

Michael's entry into psychic healing was arduous. Firstly, Dr Lang discussed physiology with Michael, and directed him to the reading material that he should study, to obtain sufficient knowledge of anatomy. Having done this, Michael then had to correctly answer questions put to him by Dr Lang. Only after demonstrating that he had acquired sufficient knowledge, was Michael allowed to assist Dr Lang, working through the entranced George Chapman.

After becoming acquainted with the physical aspects of healing, Michael was then instructed in the spiritual dimensions of the work. Dr. Lang instructed Michael on suitable methods, by which he would then be able to direct healing to those who needed it. Michael also became involved in the administrative side of healing, in the managing of George's office, and in the considerable work that it entailed. After concluding his education at St. George's School in Kent, Michael undertook a course in business studies to provide him with the necessary skills.

Due to George's ever increasing workload, more and more of his healing patients were passed to Michael to deal with. George states: "I know that Basil Lang will use the opportunity to put his own special skills to use and that, like Dr. Lang, he will be able to call on a team of spirit helpers to assist".

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