Michael Chapman- Healer Practitioner
Spiritual Healing

The following publications are available from:-
Pant Glas,
SY20 8PN,
Great Britain
Please make cheques payable to M Chapman
Alternatively by Pay Pal to chapmanhealing@gmail.com with an e mail confirming your name and address.

Healing Hands By J Bernard Hutton
£4.99 paperback plus £3.50pp
The amazing true story of a Spirit Doctor. This strange account of a spirit doctor tells how J. Bernard Hutton, a journalist threatened with blindness, met the Medium George Chapman. A former Aylesbury fireman, Chapman claimed to be controlled by the spirit of a long dead surgeon, William Lang, a claim that Hutton viewed with scepticism and contempt. Yet when he visited the medium, a miracle happened. Cured of his ailment, Hutton investigated further. What he learned makes an astonishing and spellbinding story. HEALING HANDS is a definite reference in the still little known science of healing.

Surgeon From Another World
£10.00 plus £3.50pp
Revised & Updated Classic about a two-world partnership that was truly amazing.
Evidence for survival of death & the healing power that can reach us from beyond.
Now with additional material about a confidential medical contract that supported Chapman's work & the continued healing mission through Michael Chapman.