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Following the visit of Michael Chapman to Dusseldorf in April 2018 we are able to express our satisfaction. Among the many people who responded quickly, there was a handful of faithful and convinced people from various neighboring countries / Switzerland Belgium) - Among the newcomers, the satisfaction of the meeting turned out to be positive for the most part with significant improvements and fast. For others discovering two different care options has seduced them as well as the personality of Michael Chapman. The vast majority is preparing for the next meeting if it will be possible in 2019.

Thank you, Mr Chapman, for agreeing to add Dusseldorf to your international course already in progress for many years.

Praxis Team: Bienefeld-Ammermann

Quotes from letters

Marie-Louise, Holland, June 2018

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your impressive healing session you gave me in Dusseldorf, Germany.

I was impressed by the fact that, in the beginning of the session, your hands touched exactly those parts of my body which are painful and weak at the moment and which unknown to you since I did not inform you before.

My friend who was waiting in the other room initially was rather sceptical about this. However, when she saw me returning after the session she said quote

“There is a huge change after the healing session. I noticed obviously much more energy and happiness than before”.


Clacton on Sea


Firstly the main problem which consisted of me becoming extremely breathless and my pulse rising to levels of up to 170 beats per minute upon any type of mild exertion etc.

The breathlessness is showing a reasonable level of improvement. I can now walk up a slight slope and hold a conversation at the same time. This was not possible prior to the healing. The excessive pulse levels, which go hand in hand with the breathlessness have unfortunately not lessened at all.

Secondly, the damage to my left wrist:-

The improvement in my wrist has been dramatic. I am in far less pain and discomfort than I have been previously over a period of many years. There is obviously a degree of wear, which I appreciate I am stuck with but as mentioned, there has been a major improvement.

Thirdly, the long term damage caused to my neck and upper spine area which was caused by a road accident some 15 years ago:-

The improvement in my neck has been as dramatic as the improvement in my wrist. The pain I have endured on a daily basis which has got worse year by year is now about 90% better than it was. This has been a major improvement and really all that is left again is the wear and degeneration which has been caused over the years.

Just as a matter of feedback for yourself. When I arrived home an hour and a half after the healing had taken place, my wife noticed that I had a three inch long vertical scar on my spine where you had placed your hand whilst engaged in the healing. Also, where you had placed your hand on my chest, roughly where the breast bone was I again had a three or four inch vertical scar. The area of tissue under the scar was a little puffy and raised. On checking both areas the following evening, both scars had disappeared and the puffy raised area, slowly diminished after about two more days.

October 2018 - Martin of North Wales

I am delighted to report that I have been discharged from further treatment for my balance disorder. After 3½ years of virtual isolation at home I can walk through crowds unaffected. It is difficult to convey how debilitating the problem was nor the incredible relief of overcoming such debility.

I really can never thank you enough.

Mde D of Bordeaux/France - August 2018

I started Distant Healing on 19th July and came to see you in Paris to do Contact Healing.

I have rheumatoid arthritis. Since my visit, I am much better and thank you so much.

Mrs D of Mid Wales - September 2018

Since my first Contact Healing, my eyesight has greatly improved. My vision is much clearer and it is a wonderful feeling.

Mde D, France -September 2018

About my digestion disorders, there is real improvement. It is not finished but I am feeling much better. Thank you

Mrs J of Eire - September 2018

Thank you so much for the Distant Healing you gave me during my recent jaw and dental surgery. Everything went well and I felt surrounded by Spirits.

Ms C Mid Wales - July 2018

It was a great joy to arrive at your Healing Sanctuary at Pant Glas.

The day after my Contact Healing I went to town. Believe it or not I went on and off all the kerbs without having to locate areas where the kerbs had been lowered for the use of wheelchairs etc. I can hardly believe it myself, but it happened. Walking along the streets I was wobbly but I felt a certain inner strength that I had not experienced before.

Mde R France - January 2018

I would like to thank you for helping my husband with his heart trouble. He is better now since our visit to you in Paris.

Mrs H - Devon

Thank you so much for the healing I am receiving. It is much appreciated. I am still free of headaches which is wonderful.

Mr H of Surrey

I have just had my 94th birthday.

I well remember our first acquaintance when I came with my son. I had AMD (age related macular degeneration) in my right eye only and had lost its central vision. But it seems that AMD in one eye only, normally spreads to the other eye in a fairly short time, but my left eye remained healthy and fully functioning and still is and that is about ten years ago when we came to see you. I think the healing did a very good job there!

Miss T of Essex

I came to you some 30 years ago with blocked tubes and you were marvellous. I've been pain free for over 30 years and what a difference you made to my life. Thank you.


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